October 20, 2015

I Aint Settlin, NO NO

I used to scroll Pinterest for ways to save money on groceries, earn money from home, and pay bills on a tight budget. I knew that I had to find a second source of income for our family, but everything I tried wasn't good enough. I didn't want to sell "things" and I definitely didn't want to drop my kids off somewhere so I could work.
I used to spend hours going through newspapers, printing out and clipping coupons. Then going on intricate, planned out shopping trips that would take hours and yet only ever seemed to result in a hoard of weird shampoo and deodorant. I used to be an avid online survey taker--"would you like to take a survey?" I looked into buying and selling things on ebay, craigslist, and amazon. I thought about virtual assistant jobs, and freelance writing. I thought about the etsy thing, but making things people would buy from me wasn't realistic. I started a blog but wasn't focused on any one thing, and if I couldn't stay interested, why would others want to follow? I started transcription school, but hated it. I was even a notary for a little while. "please sign here" smile emoticon
You name it I have looked into it, mulled it over and ended up crossing it off my list, only to come back months later hoping I would find something new.
I have done this for years, and yet I had nothing to show for it. I knew that I was meant to do more and be more than a survey taker! Not that I was ungrateful for what God has so generously given me, but I knew I was capable of more!
I finally found "that job", MY job, that I have fallen in love with AND make money from. I can stay home with my kids, I get to help people, I enjoy working out and get paid to share that lifestyle with others. I LOVE the world of health and fitness, and have been trying to live a healthy lifestyle for years. I have been sharing what I know with those around me and now...I get paid for it!
DON'T SETTLE for anything less than what you FEEL is right!
If you connect with my passion for health & fitness, sharing with others and the desire to provide for your family I’d love to connect with you and hear YOUR story!!
Click LIKE to follow this page or send me a friend request ~~~~>facebook.com/rebecca.hendrix.39 And don’t feel shy in sending me a message. I have started some amazing friendships through social media smile emoticon
~~ To learn more about my online health support groups fill out this form here: http://ryptfitness.blogspot.com/…/challenger-application.ht…
~~ To learn how to join Team  Fitness and be personally mentored by me fill out this form here:http://ryptfitness.blogspot.com/2015/09/loading.html

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