June 28, 2016

30 years of procrastination

I am NOT a runner!!  Never have been, never liked it, never had the desire to like it.  But I have, for the last few years at least, watched countless friends and family do races and I was jealous!!??

What the heck, why would I be jealous?  They looked like they were killing themselves...but they also looked like they were having FUN.  I like Fun...maybe that's why?  Honestly, I still don't know what the whole draw is but, I have been thinking a lot about this year and the things it will bring with it.

This year I turn 30.  The big 3-0!  I don't feel old, I used to think 30 was old and now I'm here and what have I got to show for it?  Yes, I have have a great marriage an two beautiful babies, I have a baby business that I've learned so much from but, what else?

I am one of those chronic procrastinators that puts EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING off until tomorrow, and I'm freakin tired of it!

I'm tired of living with regret, of not trying new things of not putting myself out there and not going for what I feel like doing because of ---what, failure? judgement? uncertainty? NO time?  I'm calling BULL on my own excuses!!!

I have decided to just go for it! In my year of being 30 I'm gonna do 30 things that I have been putting off.  (some forever, some for years)

Here are a few:

  1. Running a race
  2. Traveling for ME
  3. Learning how to drive a stick
  4. Going on one date a month with my hubby
  5. Play the piano
  6. Learn a dance
  7. REALLY studying my scriptures daily
  8. Giving a speech-Sharing MY story
  9. Hike a mountain
  10. Go to the ocean
  11. Make a cookbook
  12. Ride on a train
  13. Go fishing
  14. Pay for my little brothers 2nd year of his mission
  15. Do a handstand
  16. Help mom get her jewelry business off the ground
  17. Donate my hair(grow it out first)
  18. Visit a children's hospital(and do something amazing for a little kid/family)
  19. go on a zip line
  20.  Learn to tile(redo guest bathroom floor)

I know some of these seem trivial, but they are what I want, hahaha!  I have yet to complete my list and I know towards the end of this year, I might be scrambling, so suggestions of fun things ARE welcome!!

And just because I love you... and food, here is a recipe to bring you two together, haha!!(Like you need my help)

I'm feeling patriotic today! Boston wasn't having it... So we made his own version with jam!
What you need:
2 tsp. all-natural almond or peanut butter
1 slice whole grain bread, toasted
11 fresh blueberries
2 or 3 fresh strawberries, sliced
¼ medium banana, cut in half lengthwise, cut into ½-inch slices
Whip it up:
1. Spread but butter evenly on toast.
2. To create a fruit flag, place strawberry slices in a line parallel to the bottom of bread.
3. Place banana slices above strawberries.
4. Repeat with strawberries, leaving room to create a square of blueberries on the upper left corner.
Feel free to share!

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