December 21, 2015

Confidence Boost

I read an article today that said that we are born with 100% self-esteem and slowly over time that confidence get diminished by the world.  It also showed some statistics, by grade school just over half the kids feel confident in themselves and by high school only 24% of girls actually feel good about themselves.

That was me, and with those numbers, it's no surprise to hear a lot of other girls saying the same.

We need to stop this trend, lift each other up instead of tearing each other down.

There are a few things that I have done to build that self-esteem back up:

#1 Smile, I know it sounds dumb, but it really does help you to feel more confident.  It actually tricks your brain into thinking it too!

#2 Volunteer for goodness sake!  When you help others, you get this amazing feeling of love that grows inside of you and you can't help but feel great!

#3 Assume people like you.  I know it's easy to do the exact opposite, to think everyone dislikes you and then go from there trying to find those few who will like you.  You are amazing, you have great things going for you, share it and assume that people like you for them.  Don't put yourself down because you are different, that is what makes you so great!

#4 Exercise---duh, you knew that one was coming.  I'm not saying that you have to go and be a body builder to have confidence, just get in a little exercise each day and those amazing mood boosting drugs will be released into your brain and you will have no choice, but to feel confident.

#5 Get organized.  I am just unorganized by nature, but I love being organized, if that makes sense.  I feel so much more confident when I am organized because I feel in control of my life.  I know where things are, what I am doing and where I want to go.

I hope you take these things and try them out.  I know that I couldn't survive without each of them, they have become my guide to building and maintaining confidence through my adult years.

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