November 13, 2016

Spiritual Binge

I've been spiritually fed this morning, but as of late I feel like it's not enough to sustain me throughout the day.  

By the afternoon, I get a little anxious about where the day is headed if I haven't been productive.  If I turn on a podcast, and get my mind back on the positive I can breathe a little easier.

This morning I was finishing up 3 Nephi for the umpeeenth time over the last week and I was directed again to the Beatitude, "Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness."

I have been gorging myself on the scriptures and words of the prophets and apostles, inspired church leaders and Ensign articles every morning, but then not taking time to really implement throughout my day.  Just like you can't eat all your food for one day, at one time, I need to recommit to still feasting in the morning, and then also being mindful and following through when I need sustinance during the day.

I read a talk by Sheri Dew this morning from the Nov 1998  Ensign( October 1998 General Conference)  She talked about being spiritually receptive and learning the language of the spirit. 

Here are some of my favorite excerpts:
It’s not living the gospel that’s hard. It’s life that’s hard.

No wonder that one of the adversary’s favorite tactics among righteous LDS women is busyness—getting us so preoccupied with the flurry of daily life that we fail to immerse ourselves in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sisters, we can’t afford not to seek the things of the Spirit! There is too much at stake. Too many people are depending on us as mothers, as sisters, leaders, and friends. A woman led by the Lord knows where to turn for answers and for peace. She can make difficult decisions and face problems with confidence because she takes her counsel from the Spirit, and from her leaders who are also guided by the Spirit.
Our responsibility, therefore, is to learn to hear the voice of the Lord.

All I can do is heed her counsel, seek the guidance of the holy ghost, and try to listen so I can become a little more fluent in His language.  It's not going to happen over night.  I may be able to feel and know his presence, but to be truly receptive will come over time. 

As her closing remarks stated " We must arise as the women we were prepared to be during aeons of premortal training. We don’t have the luxury of living beneath ourselves or being casual about seeking the gifts of the Spirit.

But we are up to the challenge. Tonight may each one of us resolve that nothing will stand between us and the Spirit of the Lord. May we recommit to stretch ourselves spiritually and to work a little harder at seeking the inspiration of heaven to guide our lives. It is the Holy Ghost who leads us to the Lord, who binds us to Him, and who irrevocably seals our testimony of Him."

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