July 13, 2016

How to overcome mom Failure

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You can find this post at: http://premeditatedmother.com/overcome-mom-failure/

I'm a failure!!

Yesterday morning I got up read my scriptures, prayed for patience(a daily thing), went for my run and by the time I came back I felt great!! However, as soon as Boston woke up and made ONE "wrong" move I found myself yelling at him. I failed as a mom!! 

Yesterday I failed to remember the precious little gift my kids are but, I picked myself back up, remembered the promtpings I felt as I prayed and decided to NOT go down that path! Yesterday I CHOSE to be that mom who doesn't let crazy emotions get the best of me...but most of the time I FAIL! I FAIL because I know I CAN be better!

There are times when I learn amazing lessons from the sweet little boys I get to call my sons. Those lessons are usually hidden in little gems of nonchalant talk that I don't pay attention to when "I'm busy" or when I get into my mind that they're really little monsters!

I FAIL big time at not giving my kids enough of my time! I AM HERE for them, I am mom, they shouldn't have to be scolded just because they want my attention for ANOTHER cool trick they learned.

I FAIL at not being a better example in faith. I read my scriptures on my phone and put all my other journaling away so they wont mess with them. I pray most of the time in hidden places because that is the only quiet I can find.

I FAIL at teaching them to speak kind to one another. I yell at them for yelling at me, or each other. It breaks my heart to see them learn that from me.

I FAIL to stop and just BE with them. When Boston wants to be held to Walker needs to be carried, I often think of myself as just their personal servant, nothing more. I FAIL to see that THAT is exactly what I am here to do. TO SERVE, and to LOVE!

I FAIL a lot, but as a FAIL, I learn. I learn to be better, I choose to be the mom they NEED instead of the mom I wish to be.

To all you mommas who feel like failures, that is proof that you are TRYING!! You care, you know you are capable of better! Keep failing, because in failing we learn to be the mommas that these little people need us to be!

See my post HERE for more tips on how to deal with mom life and be HAPPY

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