December 28, 2015

The at home workouts that ACTUALLY work!

When I eat something, anything, well mostly junk foods, and there is just a tiny amount that will be left, I can’t help but feel guilty for not eating it.  IS that just me? For some reason I don't feel so bad for not eating the last few pieces of lettuce or carrots...maybe because I throw them to the chickens.  

Anyways, It is so sad to have three chips left, or two spoonfuls of ice cream, or one tiny piece of cake left, I might as well eat it ALL, right?  

What's one more tiny serving going to hurt?  

I never realized how much all of those little extras added up.  But now, I realize that those little things do indeed add up slowly over time.  You hardly even notice it when you are gaining one more pound or adding one more inch to your body.  You feel like you wake up one morning and BAM! What the heck happened?  Where did this extra cushion on these love handles come from?(seriously though!!)  

This last week was one of those weeks. I thought I was prepared, but the holidays come around, and it's hard to be completely prepared for the onslaught of delicious foods that sneak their tantalizing scents into my nose. I tried to stick with the plan, and I think I made WAY better choices than I used to, but I found myself slipping  into that old guilt trip mindset. 

"I should just finish the rest of the cinnamon rolls so they don’t go to waste".
I heard a saying a while ago that has stuck with me.  "Better in the trash than on my a**"  

Now, I am not one that uses language, I never have been, but I can’t help but think of that saying every time I feel the guilt creeping up.  I made fudge the other day and I have resisted the urge to binge. I ate two pieces and that is it!! That is huge for me! I am not just seeing the changes in my body for making better choices, but I can see my mindset changing as well.  

If you are feeling ready for a change, I still have a few spots open for my support and accountability group that starts January 4th.  You don’t have to be my neighbor, or even in the same state to participate. You need a phone or computer with access to the Internet, and voila, support at your fingertips! You see, I am not perfect, but I think that is exactly why I am passionate about helping you!  

I have my struggles, you have yours, let’s work through them together!

I still can't believe those are my arms!

Now what the heck does this entail exactly, let me tell you. You get a top notch, kick your butt, make you want to cry, at home workout system. This system includes the actual DVDs, a Free trial to Beachbody on Demand, which you could use anywhere you have Internet, a dialed in nutrition plan, motivation from me, and the other group members. You will be committing to check in each day for 30 days, let us know your struggles and successes, that accountability is key to your overall success!

Do home workouts really work? You bet your butt!!

The other part of the equation is Shakeology. I used to be an avid protein shake drinker and when I heard of Shakeology I was more than skeptical of it's claims, and I thought I would just try it, partially to prove it wrong, lol!! Yeah, I was proven wrong and now I am hooked!

To give a little summary, it is the absolute healthiest thing you will eat on any given day. It is the equivalent to eating 6 salads with crazy super foods in each of them. How is came about is Beachbody was looking for a meal replacement drink and hired an expert to ravel around the world finding the highest quality super foods available, they mixed them all together and after extensive testing Shakeology was born.

Pretty much it gives your body all the nutrients it needs to function properly, and since you are getting everything from the Shakeology your body is finally able to let go of the extra fat stores and toxins it holds on to. It is ALL natural, no artificial colors, flavors or filler. Plus, it tastes like heaven!

 If you want more info or are ready to do the dang thing, fill out the application to be considered.

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