July 25, 2016

Summer Sanity

Have you ever found yourself asking a friend to work out with you or maybe asking your sister to come over or just feeling like you need a buddy?
I know I've been in that situation quite a few times and I even thought about Skyping with my sister so that we could workout together!! --Virtual buddies!!
Sometimes having a friend and having a plan just makes you want to push harder and go farther. It keeps you accountable to your goals right?
Almost a year ago I was in DIRE need of accountability. I needed someone to be there to check in with to make sure that I was sticking to the healthy lifestyle that I knew how to live.
I didn't ever find that someone, I found a group of someones... Online accountability groups. THEY have been my secret sauce for the last year. I know, I know they sound kinda cheesy...like something weak people join, but let me tell ya, they are freaking amazing!!( you gotta check them out!!)

We're starting preseason Tomorrow(July 25th) for my Summer Sanity Group!!

Here’s what it will include:
- A complete home workout kit( including workouts & meal plan)
- 30 healthy meals!- A 30 day supply of Shakeology!
-ME as your personal coach
-Access to my private accountability group
- A free T-shirt when you finish and send in results!
- 30 day trial to “Beachbody On Demand”- Stream $3,000 worth of workout programs right from your phone, tablet, laptop, etc!
-A 30 day meal plan with recipes(family friendly & customizeable)
-AND!!!! Those who complete the daily challenges will receive a special present from me

I'm accepting 5 new clients this month! So, if you NEED that support and accountability please message me HERE  with "Summer Sanity” and I can get you more details!!

In my challenge group we share our Yummy healthy recipe finds, like this one!!

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