October 18, 2016

3 Day Sneak Peek

My fitness journey started with a Tae Kwon Do/ Self Denfese class I took in college.  This was about 10 years ago and was the beginning to a LONNNG journey.

I was REQUIRED to do PE and this class seemed the least like exercise so I signed up!  I fell in love with this style workout not only beacuse I lost 15 lbs, but because it was fun, it made me feel strong and the accountability of earning that grade kept me going when I didn't feel like it!

I loved the structure and community feel, but after the class ended I felt lost.  Until about a year ago, I got the accoutnability back, I found great fitness programs and I found that community feel I was lacking!

AND NOW>>>  I am so stinkin excited to announce that there is a new MMA style workout coming!! 

I am doing a FREE 3 day sneak peek into my next challenge group where we will take ALL of these elements(including the new workout), and get ourselves a jumpstart on the holiday crazy.

I can't tell you how many times the holidays roll around and I'm hit with anxiety and stress over all that good food... worrying about holding it together at parties and binging on leftovers at home. 

This year is different, I'm mentally and physically preparing and I'm looking for 3 women who want to prepare with me.

Check out this sneak peek and see if it's something for you.

Comment below with 'me' if you want more info click here to join in


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