October 20, 2015


Finish what you started...
When I signed up to be a coach, I had never done a Beachbody program before. I had only jumped around on Youtube workouts.
To be honest, I would usually pick the ones that I thought would be the easiest, or the fastest. I didn't PUSH myself.
Because I am the type of person that jumps all in, I had to commit to completing this program. If I am doing something, I am doing it RIGHT!
Even though I do something the best I can it doesn't always mean that I do it perfect, heck I barely could do any of the moves when I started!! Call me Uncoordinated!!
But I did it, I finished it and I am proud of myself for going outside of my comfort zone. It was not easy. There were some days I just didn't want to, but I did anyways.
Because I completed the program I earned a tank top and when it came in the mail yesterday, Boston had to try it on for me! He told me that my FIRE shirt came and he wanted to work out in it, lol!!
Do you get rewarded for working out? Just saying...it was FREE!

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