October 20, 2015

Kid friendly granola

Snacks are my thing, I just love them! The hard part is finding a healthy snack for the boy! He will eat anything, after all he is Charlie's son.
Donuts, snack cakes, chips and candy used to take over our pantry. They have been evicted, but somehow I keep finding them in my house.(probably because I still but them...but not as often)
I saw this amazing recipe for kids granola and had to give it a shot, it is a LEETLE BIT messy, but I give it Boston and tell him to eat it outside!
Kid Granola
3 cups Cheerios
1 cup oats(it called for old fashioned, but I was out so I used quick cook)
1 cup craisins
1 cup broken pretzel pieces
1/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
2 TBS flax seed
2 TBS chia
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
Mix the above ingredients in a bowl and set aside
In a pot combine:
1/4 cup butter
2 TBS brown sugar
1/4 honey
1/4 pure maple syrup
1/4 coconut oil
mix and boil for 5 minutes
remove from heat and add 1 tsp vanilla
Pour over dry ingredients and mix until coated. Pour into 9x13 glass baking dish and bake at 325 for 20 minutes. Let cool and break into pieces with a fork.
I then divided it into 1/4 cup servings and placed in snack bags.

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