January 6, 2016

Break FREE

Here I am, it's 5:30 while I write this, and I have already been up for an hour and a half.  I have a 5 month old, so that is no surprise, but he is not the only reason I am up.

He woke me up, I fed him, he went back to sleep and I crawled back into bed and couldn't sleep.  I just kept thinking of all the things I wanted to get up and work on.  Who volunteers to go to work at 5 AM?  Not many people, but when you love what you do and are determined to change your path in life, you can't help it sometimes.

There are some people that have said I am crazy, I am weird, or I am just dumb for trying to build a life that I want to live.  I have a hard working husband, and it would be tight, but we could make his paycheck work.  We have done it before.  But I don't just want to survive in life.  I don't want to be held down by debt that we inevitably accumulate because of an emergency.  I don't want to have no money to pay for car repairs, college(for me or the kids), no vacations, no retirement.

I refuse to live by what the typical middle class(which I know we are low on that totem poll) believes is life.  You go to school, you graduate, you go to more school, if you're lucky, you graduate(with a ton of debt), you start a family in there somewhere, you get a house-more debt, you work for 40 years, only to have pennies to show for it because you needed the money to live while you were in the moment.

I don't want that life, it does NOT sound appealing to me in any way, and to be honest I have been trying for years to figure out a way to break free of that cycle.  I have read countless financial self help books, I have listened to audio, I have revamped out budget, I have created a system that works for us, and that gets our bills paid, but that's about it.  Sometimes, if we are lucky and my husband brings home a little more money, we can even splurge and take the kids to get frozen yogurt.  The problem with that is when he brings in more money it's at great sacrifice!  He works all day and sometimes all night.  We don't see him for days at a time, and when his two days off roll around he is so dead tired that I can't help but try to keep the kids away from him because I know he needs sleep.

I then end up resenting him because I feel like I need a break and the kids need him and he is sleeping through the few opportunities we get to spend together.  I don't want to feel like that.  I want to have the time to spend together whenever we want.  I want to take vacations and create memories.  I want to not worry if we have an emergency.  I want to have the financial peace that comes with being debt free.  I want all of this and I am DONE wishing for it, I am working for it!!

I have done everything possible to earn money from home and they are ALL mundane, mindless tasks that pay hardly anything.

That is not a life, that is a trap.

I am working hard to build my business for my family, for our dreams to become a reality, to be DEBT FREE!!  Just typing that phrase makes me happy!!

Right here, right now I vow to be debt free in 3 years.  January 2020 we will have no debt.  I think it will happen before that, but I'm just leaving a little wiggle room.

I have found that trail that is going to take me to my dreams.  I get to help people get healthy, be the healthiest happiest version of myself and hello, I get paid for it.  This is my dream job.  I get to work from home, be with my babies, and build a business from my dining room.

It will not be easy, but it's simple.  Share what I already love -Done!

There will be nay-sayers, people will think you're crazy, and weird and you might even get that from your family.  But, when you make it, when you are successful they will come back to you and ask you for advice.

If you are the least bit curious about what I do, just ask me, I would love to help you build a life you love!!

email me at: charebhendrix@gmail.com or fill out the application below and I will get back with you asap!


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