April 16, 2016

When your kids don't finish food

You know when you actually plan and make a dinner. Not the fancy kind, just the weekday dinner that doesn't consist of chicken nuggets, pizza or leftovers?  
You are so proud of yourself for making something that you KNOW everyone will like AND it's somewhat healthy?  Yeah, you know that feeling.  Accomplishment!  You're on top of things today.  Maybe you were even super mom and had a few spare minutes to get all the dishes washed while dinner was cooking...and then it happens.
You dish up everyone's food, your toddler still says they're so excited about it.  Maybe you even got their 'help' making it to keep their interest up.  Then, they take one sniff or lick.  They don't even bite into it, and out comes the dreaded phrase...I'm not hungry for this.

Well, gee high point lasted long.
I've been there all too many times and my oldest is 3.  I know this is going to happen more times than I can count just in the next month.  It will happen with his little brother and if there are any other babes that come on down the line.
I usually try not to force my kids to eat something, but dang it's hard to refrain from telling them to 'eat your dinner or...' whatever the threat of the day is.
Sometimes it works for a few bites, and then they just wont budge and I end up with a half eaten pate of cold food that I just can't seem to throw away!  Even if it is those stinkin chicken nuggets.  It's like I have this built in aversion to throwing good food in the trash.  I just CAN'T.   I save what I can in a container and what can't be saved because it's just not worth saving the three bites left...well that's what I'm talking about!

This has happened to me with recipes like the one below that I have decided to try, as well as things I have had my son pick and help with.  I don't know that there IS a way to get your kids to actually eat their food, but I do know that we don't need to finish their food!
From 22 Minute Hard Corps Rations Guide, used with permission

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