July 13, 2016

Transitioning back to me

About a year ago I was a giant pregnant woman, waddling around with no energy, no motivation, no drive to do anything except walk because I thought it would make baby Walker come OUT, haha! 

I thought having him would automatically make everything better. 

I knew I could expect sleepless nights, but I was willing to trade that for feeling like I had my SELF back. I know that having a baby shouldn't be the solution to a problem. But that's exactly what I was thinking. He would come out and life would be great!

Those feelings of pure joy turned into overwhelm as I started thinking about how life was going to be when we got out of the hospital. I broke down a few times because I knew I was going to have to deal with a lot by myself because of Charlies schedule. I love being a mom I just knew it would be hard and honestly I am BLESSED with really good kids but we still have our moments.

THE ONE thing, ONE and ONLY THING that has gotten me through those hard moments is taking the time to WORK ON MYSELF...exercise, move my body, to eat right( or try to), to meditate, read my scriptures, pray and serve!

It took having a few kids and becoming a mom for me to find myself as an individual!

It's made an immense difference in how I look at mothering and how I have been able to handle everything life throws at me. Yeah, I still have those crazy days...I've delt with a mild case of postpartum depression and I don't even want to think about how I would have handled that if I had not been deliberately trying to become better.

Why did I start working on myself though, what MADE me do it??

My job! My challenge groups are focused on becoming a better you, and that is exactly where I had to start if I was going to help others along their way!! Become a better YOU and you become better at all the roles you play in life.

I have been weighing myself every morning, not because I like it, but because I was curious. I tend to keep an extra few pounds while I'm nursing and I have FINALLY dipped under 135 again, but heck...

My measurements haven't changed too much, so there is only one conclusion...it came from my boobs, haha! 

Oh well, they were nice while they lasted!!   

And what do I do when I'm sad or celebrating??  EAT haha!! So...

Here is a great recipe me and the big boy mixed up for some extra energy(not like he needs it), but since I tend to exercise on an empty stomach because I don't want to wait for food to digest.(yup, I'm that impatient).  I figured at least I can munch one of these early in the morning and not have to wait so long!!

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