July 11, 2016

Morning Harmony

I've learned this lesson the hard way. Momming isn't easy, we need all the help we can get...so take the reins & steer your day in the right direction.

Ask for help, ask for guidance and patience, peace. Whatever you need, Heavelnly Father is willing to give. But you have to then act.

My prayers seem to be directed at most times by my role as MOM, and so do my workouts. I exercise for THEM because it seems to make the things I pray for more accessible.

They work hand in hand in my eyes. So, any time I do one without the other in the early mornings, I can FEEL the empty space it leaves. They work in harmony to make my day a little happier.

SHARE if you agree!!

What do you do in the mornings to start your day off/ week off right??

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